GenRes Bridge

Genetic resources refer to genetic material of plant, animal or microbial origin of actual or potential value, such as a medicinal plant, agricultural crop, tree variety or animal breed.

The project will accelerate collaborative efforts and widen capacities in plant, forest and animal GenRes domains by sharing perspectives, exchanging best practices, harmonizing standards, trainings and sharing resources under the auspices of the three pan-European GenRes networks: ECPGR, EUFORGEN and ERFP.

Collaboration among GenRes and biodiversity actors will increase the sustainable practices in management of GenRes. The number of foresters and forest owners in Europe is too large to engage into individual discussions. Therefore, The European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) representing 35 state forest companies, enterprises and agencies from 24 countries that have sustainable forest management and sustainable wood production as major concerns, will engage on behalf of numerous state forest owners and managers with the GenRes Bridge project.



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