Voluntary and compliance forest carbon markets: understanding the opportunity
80th session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry
Scientific-Technical Symposium “Assessing Forest Damage and Disturbance”
FOREST EUROPE Expert Meeting & Workshop on Green Jobs in Stockholm, Sweden
Expert Group meeting on the pan-European Forest Risk Knowledge Mechanism (FoRISK)
Forests in Women’s Hands Conference 2022 | Roots and Growth for the Future
European Green Deal and Fit For 55 Package – The Role of Forests and Regions
Public hearing on the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 at the European Parliament
European forests – prosperous and healthy or in critical conditions?
Policy challenges: integrating biodiversity conservation in managed forests
Snapshot on Boreal forests’ contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
European Genetic Resources Strategy – Virtual stakeholder feedback workshop
Wood Be Better & Cepi: EU Forest-based industries for a sustainable future
ThinkForest Webinar: Science Insights to the European Green Deal and Forests
EPP Public Hearing on the European Forest Strategy – The Way Forward
Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe
10th International Wood Energy Conference on Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources
Seeing the forest for the trees – the multifunctional role of EU forests
European Foresters’ Orienteering Championships – Czech Republic on 5-10 August 2019
3rd meeting of the FOREST EUROPE Expert Group on Adaptation to Climate Change
KUPRES 2019: Future of Forestry and Wood Industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Think Forest conference: “How to Respond to Forest Disturbances in Europe”
Research that matters: applying tree genomics to sustainable development
Roundtable Meeting on a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe 2018
Implementing Natura 2000 in forests: lessons learned and looking ahead
Forest Europe: First meeting of the Expert Group on Adaptation to Climate Change
Marianske Lazne +70 – Celebrating 70 years of UNECE/FAO cooperation on forests
People, Economy and Nature – Green Week event in Brussels on June 7th
ThinkForest seminar: Leading the way to a new European bioeconomy strategy
Introduced tree species to European forests: challenges and opportunities
European Bioenergy Future Conference: “Where Market & Policy Meet”
Hosted by the European Biomass Association in Brussels, Belgium
International conference Introduced tree species to European forests: challenges and opportunities
Conference venue: Monte Verità, Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland
Post COP21 Challenges and Chances for Renewable Energy and Bioenergy
Visions, opportunities and challenges for the Bioeconomy in Southern Europe
Final “What We Wood Believe” Stakeholder Workshop: Innovative Communication – Communicating Innovation
Meeting venue: European Forestry House, Brussels
Forest ownership changes in Europe: trends, issues and needs for action
UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network Meeting
Hosted by the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network in Portland, Oregon, USA
Save the Date!
23. Session of the Committee on Forestry and the 5. World Forest Week
Award Ceremony of the European Tree of the Year 2016
Hosted by the European Landowners’ Organization the Environmental Partnership Association in Brussels, Belgium
Save the date!
Managing European Forests Responsibly – for People, Climate and Nature
38th Session Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management
Hosted by FAO/UNECE in Geneva, Switzerland
ThinkForest (EFI) event: “Climate policy after COP21: Implications for the European forest-based sector”
Hosted by Elisabeth Köstinger (MEP) in Brussels, Belgium
Conference: “The Future of Forestry and Wood Processing Industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina”
Hosted by the Herzegbosnian Forests and the Croatian Wood Cluster in Kupres, Bosnia and Herzegovina
ENRD Workshop: Financing Opportunities for Projects in Agriculture and Rural Areas
Hosted by DG AGRI and the ENRD in Brussels, Belgium
Registration before 08 Febr. 2016
2nd EU Energy Summit: “What developments for EU Energy Policy in the Wake of COP21”
Hosted by Business Bridge Europe and the European Business Summit in Brussels, Belgium
Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services
Hosted by the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium
2015 European Biodiversity Conference “Managing Europe’s carbon stocks for Climate resilience ecosystems”
Hosted by the European Landowner Organization in Brussels, Belgium
ThinkForest conference “Climate policy targets: How can European forests contribute?”
Hosted by the European Forest Institute in Paris, France
How can Bioenergy mitigate climate change?
Hosted by the European Biomass Association in Paris, France
Info Week on Societal Challenge 2 work programme 2016-2017
Hosted by the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium
Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services
CANCELLED due to security alert
Hosted by the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium
What instruments/tools to develop logistics for the agriculture and forestry biomass supply chai?
Hosted by Copa-Cogeca in Brussels, Belgium
EUSTAFOR Forest Certification Workshop
Hosted by Lesy Ceske Republiky in Prague, Czech Republic
The Bioeconomy Investment Summit
Hosted by the Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Sciencein in Brussels, Belgium
Stakeholder meeting on the circular economy
Hosted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen, Denmark
Forest Landscapes: solutions for climate change mitigation
Hosted by the EP Intergroup CCBSD in Brussels, Belgium
7th Ministerial Conference and Extraordinary Ministerial Conference
Hosted in Madrid, Spain
Bioenergy – Fueling Europe with jobs and innovation
Hosted by the European Biomass Association in Brussels, Belgium
4th SCAR Foresight Stakeholder Conference “Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Bioeconomy – A Challenge for Europe”
Hosted by the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation in Brussels, Belgium