Global Forest Summit
In 2021, history is watching us. The future of the living world commands us. Future generations urge us more than ever to accelerate our actions, to take concrete, rapid and sustainable steps on a global scale. We’re talking here about the actions that emanate collectively from the States, international organizations, investment funds, companies, NGOs and, of course, local and indigenous communities, project leaders and forest managers who carry out priceless actions on the spot. These actions are complementary and will provide altogether a substantial part of the global response to the twin crisis of climate and biodiversity. For all these reasons, ahead of the COP 15 on Biodiversity, the IUCN World Conservation Congress and the COP 26 on Climate, Reforest’Action and the Open Diplomacy Institute are joining their forces to organize the Global Forest Summit on 12 March 2021 from 8.30 am to 7.35 pm (Paris time). In this opening year of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, the Global Forest Summit puts forests at the top of the international agenda. Let’s protect them faster, let’s restore them stronger.
This year, the panel discussions will be focused on the following topics :
- 2021 : The Momentum to accelerate Forest protection and Restoration
- Forests & Health
- Forests & Biodiversity
- Forests & Climate
- Forests & Economy
The detailed program is available here and you can fill in the registration form here.
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