European Biodiversity Conference: Belowground life & biodiversity for a healthy soil

Venue: European Parliament – Paul-Henri Spaak Building – Room P4B001, 1000 Rue Wiertz


14h30             Welcoming speech & moderator: MEP, Franc BOGOVIČ

14h35             Opening: Alain SCRIBAN, Special Adviser, European  Landowners’Organization

14h40-15h00 Keynote “Soil biodiversity: why we need to think big to care for a small world”

Prof. Dr. Gerard GOVERS, KU Leuven

15h00- 15h30 Panel 1: Driving forces that influence biodiversity in agricultural soils

  • Carbon farming, Christine MÜLLER, Policy Officer, DG Climate Action- Land Use and Innovation Finance
  • The key to the maintenance and protection of biodiversity lies in sustainable soil management, Galina PEYCHEVA-MITEV, Farmer, Bulgaria

15h30-15h45 Q&A


16h00- 16h30 Panel 2: Policy and strategic framework for soil quality

  • Soil life requires a paradigm shift in EU agricultural policy and practice, Celia NYSSENS, Policy Officer for Agriculture, EEB
  • Soil biodiversity, Andrea VETTORI, Deputy Head of Unit, DG ENV- Soil Unit
  • Ronald VARGAS, FAO, Secretary of the Global Soil Partnership

16h30-16h45 Q&A

16h45-17h15 Panel 3: Innovation to improve soil health

  • Defining, measuring and managing soil health, Yara, Koen VAN KEER
  • Are biostimulants key enabling technologies to improve soil health? CropFit – Ghent University, Maaike PERNEEL

17h45-17h45 Q&A

17h55-18h00 Concluding remarks: MEP, Alvaro AMARO


10/12/2019 - 10/12/2019

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