9th Specialized Conference on Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources

Conference will be held:
February 25 (Monday) from 9:00 am to 4.30 pm

Hotel Westin (Kristal Hall)
I. Kršnjavoga 1, 10000 Zagreb

About the conference:

The main objective of the conference is the identification of new energy trends, introduction of new technologies and innovations, but also the responsibility for implementation of the existing ones and adoption of a new legal framework to ultimately increase the use of renewable energy sources.The previous conference editions had a large impact on RES policy-making process in Croatia and the SEE region.

The conference gathers more than 200 participants, representatives of numerous companies, institutions from Croatia and EU and a number of cities and municipalities that are looking to make better use of renewable energy sources for regional development. The presence of professional associations and companies from the EU (Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.) and neighboring countries from the region (Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) have also been announced.

Considering the importance of your company at the global level, we invite you to actively participate at the conference, inform on new trends or present your experiences and participate in discussions!

Looking forward to your arrival!

Croatian Wood Cluster
CROBIOM – Croatian Biomass Association
Kršnjavoga 1, 10000 Zagreb
+385 6329 111

More information

25/02/2019 - 25/02/2019

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