Cork oak forests and ecosystem services: market development tools

This is the third Interregional Workshop of the Cork iNet (organised by Agenzia Forestale  Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Territorio e dell’ambiente della Sardegna, FoReSTAS) will take place next 21 and 22 November in Nuoro (Sardinia), addressed to cork producers and managers, associations, cork sector enterprises and stakeholders, decision makers.

Objectives to be reached:


  • get to grips with cork oak woodlands’ potential in delivering ecosystem services;
  • become aware of the main tools and trends to promote ES and fair returns to the cork value chain;
  • agree on the future steps to support innovative tools
  • lessons learnt from past experiences, and of course:
  • become familiar with INCREdible network and objectives

Cork iNet questions directly targeted:

  • How can we better evaluate the ES provided by cork?
  • Is forest certification a viable tool to increase social awareness and compensation for ES?
  • What framework conditions are needed to organize payments for environmental services (PES)?

The full programme is available here.

More information and registration

21/11/2019 - 22/11/2019

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