Manage to Conserve Forest Genetic Resource conservation as part of Sustainable Forest Management
On 11 October 2022 (13.00-14.30 CEST), FOREST EUROPE and EUFORGEN organize a webinar on “Manage to Conserve – Forest Genetic Ressource conservation as part of Sustainable Forest Management”.
The conservation of forest genetic resources (FGR) , especially as part of the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) concept, is of upmost importance for the adaptive potential of European forest tree species and for mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. FOREST EUROPE highlighted in 1993 the importance to conserve FGR as essential element for SFM and biodiversity (Helsinki, Resolution 2, 1993). EUFORGEN (an implementation mechanism of the Forest Europe Process) coordinates FGR conservation of the European countries, through a network of Genetic Conservation Units (GCUs). Many of those GCUs are part of old growth forests, which have been progressively strictly protected. Strict protection, in some cases, may prevent human intervention, which can result in losing entire forest tree populations, and thus part of their genetic diversity. In such cases, human interventions can be of an additional value to an effective and long-lasting FGR conservation. The availability, conservation and sustainable use of FGR is constantly challenged by environmental, climatic, social and political influences. Therefore, a continuous pan-European focus and transboundary co-operation of practitioners, scientists and policy makers is needed.
Register (until 4 October)