Webinar series: From the roots to the canopy | What’s forest education up to in Africa and Europe?
After the two recents webinar of the series “From the roots to the canopy” organized by FOREST EUROPE. The next webinar is looking to policy-makers’, scientists’ and practitioners’ perspective of forest health monitoring, current criteria and indicators, and future needs for decision-making.
This third event organized by the FOREST EUROPE joint to IFSA and IUFRO has the main goal to enable a dialogue between the Africa and Europe on “What’s forest education up to in Africa and Europe? Insights into the regional assessments” will take place the 25 May 2022 at 14:00-15:30 CEST.
Registrations are open at this link.
For futher information about these webinar series, please consult the website of FOREST EUROPE at the link below.
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