Webinar “Framework for assessment of effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia”

Estonia has developed a national methodology to assess the effectiveness of protected areas’ management on a protected area as well as national level, and an action plan for its implementation. Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF) will present this methodology in a virtual seminar taking place on May 29, 2024 at 9:00-12:45 CET.

The agenda of the event will include:

  • Welcome addresses by the DG REFORM of the European Commission and the Environmental Board of Estonia;
  • Presentation of the developed Estonian methodology for evaluation the effectiveness of protected areas’ management, the action plan for its implementation and learning points from the project by the consultants from Trinomics  B.V. and ELLE;
  • A panel of experts (Nigel Dudley or Sue Stolton, Equilibrium Research; Michael Hošek, EUROPARC; Matti Tapaninen, Metsähallitus, Finland; David Genney, NatureScot, Scotland) to discuss the latest developments in management effectiveness assessments and best-practices in the Boreal region countries and at a European level;
  • An overview of the latest developments and future plans regarding the evaluation of protected areas’ management effectiveness at the European level by a representative of the DG Environment of the European Commission.

If you are interested in participating, please register here by May 15. The webinar will be held on Zoom and the link for participation will be sent to all registered persons.

The Estonian methodology was developed and this webinar will take place under the framework of the project “Framework for Assessment of Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation Measures in Estonia” that is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, managed by the DG REFORM of the European Commission.

The aim of the project is to support Estonian nature conservation authorities to develop and implement a national methodology to assess the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia. An effective framework will allow to understand the main factors hindering the protection of biodiversity and design better targeted conservation and restoration measures, helping Estonia achieve, among other things, the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, and the legally binding nature restoration targets in the upcoming EU nature restoration law.

The project is implemented by Trinomics B.V., Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Environment (ELLE) and Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia (BEF Estonia) in co-operation with DG REFORM of the European Commission and Estonian Environmental Board (EEB).

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