Sustainable Forest Biomass in light of Paris COP21

1 December 2016 08.30-11.00, PHS P1A002, European Parliament, Brussels

Click here to read the press release and download all the materials

The Conference welcomes high-level policymakers, state forest management representatives and other stakeholders to discuss the potential of European forests and forest-based products to be at the core of the EU climate change and energy agenda.

SFM Conference (Prague) Credits: Salvatore Martire / EUSTAFOR
State Forests in Czech Republic
Credits: Salvatore Martire / EUSTAFOR

Co- Hosted by Pavel Poc MEP (Chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”) and Jytte Guteland MEP (Member of the Committee of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety)

Keynote Speech by Marie Donnelly Director for Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Research and Innovation, DG ENER, European Commission) and intervention by Claudia Olazábal (Head of Unit “Land Use and Management” , DG ENV, European Commission).

Interventions by Per-Olof Wedin (President of the European State Forest Association EUSTAFOR), Marcus Lindner (Head of Unit at the European Forest Institute). Contributions from European state forest management organizationsOlof Johansson (Director of Silviculture and Environment, Sveaskog, Sweden),  Daniel Szórád (CEO, Lesy České Republiky, Czech Republic), Pentti Hyttinen  (CEO, Metsähallitus, Finland), Roland Kautz (Head of CEO’s Cabinet, Österreichische Bundesforste, Austria).

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01/12/2016 - 01/12/2016

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