A roadmap to EU forest resilience – Tackling climate change and forest disturbances

Forests play a vital role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Yet, climate change is increasingly causing extreme weather conditions, and damages such as wildfires, windstorms and floods are harming forests all over Europe. To address these challenges, the European Commission introduced the Forest Monitoring Law in November 2023, a regulation on a monitoring framework for resilient European forests.

Join this Euractiv Virtual Conference on 8 May 2024 from 09.30-10.45 CET to discuss how to make EU forests more resilient against climate change and disturbances. Questions to be addressed by the panelists include:

  • In the framework of the Forest Monitoring Law proposal, how can we guarantee effective strategic planning and progress monitoring at the EU level?
  • What support mechanisms are available to assist forest owners and managers in implementing resilience-building measures? How can their forests remain economically viable?
  • To what extent can the EU harmonize forest resilience management in its member states?

Roberto Stelstra will represent the forestry sector during this event. Other speakers are:

  • Elena Visnar Malinovska, Head of Unit, Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change, DG CLIMA, European Commission
  • Florian Marin, Member Workers’ Group, European Economic and Social Committee
  • Nicolae Ștefănuță, Member ENVI Committee, European Parliament (tbc)
  • Marcus Lindner, Principal Natural Scientist, European Forest Institute
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