Every tree counts: Past, present and future of forests in the UNECE region and beyond
On 9 May 2022, UNECE will join with FAO’s Forest and Timber Section and hold a side event during the United Nations Forum of Forests – 17th session (UNFF17) from 19.30 to 20.45 (Geneva time).
The event “Every tree counts: Past, present and future of forests in the UNECE region and beyond” will focus on highlighting the two relevant approaches of how forest-sector information improves forest governance and management, since the forest-related data are abundant and significant.
The Joint UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section developed the INForest online knowledge platform (available here), which provides up-to-date data on forests and the forestry sector in an interactive format. Furthermore, it is possible to consult the information about past and current conditions and their management in the recent publication “UNECE/FAO Forest Sector Oulook Study 2020-2040″ (available here).
The agenda of the event is available at this link (agenda). To follow the event it is necessary to fill in the registration here.
For more information, visit the UNECE website at the link below. It is also possible to have a look at the general agenda and related document of the UNFF 17th session at this link (click here).
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