
On behalf of  the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forests, Natuurinvest invests income generated by nature in Flanders. Natuurinvest encompasses four business products focused on four branches: Houtverkopen, Natuurlocaties, Inverde and Ecopedia.
Houtverkopen (Timber Sales) organises the sale and exploitation of timber (>100,000m³) that originates from the 42,300 ha of woods (of which 21,000 ha is FSC-labelled) managed by the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forests.
Natuurlocaties (Nature Locations) wants to create unique nature experiences. It therefore invests, together with private partners, in the renovation of existing real estate and opens it up to the public. Former castles, farms or forester houses are turned into gateways, visitor centres, hotels, restaurants or holiday homes. Natuurinvest also offers unique locations for seminars, meetings, events and film productions.
To ensure that nature in Flanders is managed in the best possible way, Inverde and Ecopedia invest in programmes that increase the knowledge and insights of people. Inverde organises more than 200 (tailor-made) trainings on how to manage nature, forests and green areas, and invests in a broad programme on innovation in nature and forestry management. Inverde chairs the European Forestry and Environmental Skills Council (EFESC) and, as national agency, issues the European Chainsaw Certificate (ECC). The online platform Ecopedia offers information and knowledge on nature management, materials, safety and Flanders’ nature policy.

  • Total forest area managed by member: 42 300 ha
  • Total number of: employees: 43 people
  • Annual harvest in: 107 000 m3

Vlaamse overheid - Herman Teirlinckgebouw
Havenlaan 88
1000 Brussels


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