Northern Ireland Forest Service
Northern Ireland Government forestry and plant health functions are delivered by Forest Service, an Executive Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) under direction of the Minister.
Forest Service’s key forestry tasks are:
- The management of the Department’s forests so as to supply timber, regenerate and protect forests; promote public access; verify sustainable management through independent audit against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard and release land from forestry for renewable energy generation and environmental improvement;
- To promote forest expansion through grant aid under the Rural Development Programme;
- To provide a regulatory framework and administrative process to encourage compliance with forestry legislation and aid scheme rules; and
- To promote partnership working on the Department’s forestry lands to supply timber, provide access and enhance biodiversity.
- Associated Member
- Total forest area managed by member: 62,000 ha
- Total number of: employees: 205 people
- Annual harvest in: 400,000 m3
Northern Ireland Forest Service
Inishkeen House
Enniskillen BT74 4EJ