Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst

In the Free State of Saxony, forests cover more than 520.000 hectares (28%) of the land area. The state-owned enterprise Sachsenforst, founded on 1 January 2006, is part of the Saxon public administration as a special superior state authority. It is responsible for the integrative natural management of 205 000 hectares of state forests and the three major nature reserves, the National Park “Sächsische Schweiz”, the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft” and the IUCN-Wilderness Area “Königsbrücker Heide”. Additionally, it pursues forest-related research, provides advice and support to more than 85.000 corporate and private forest owners, takes responsibility in environmental education and serves as the upper forest and hunting authority.

Sachsenforst employs about 1.400 people, of which 1.100 are educated foresters and forest workers. Sachsenforst harvests about 1.4 million m³ of timber every year. The tree species composition of Saxony’s state forest is historically dominated by Spruce and Pine. About 2/3 of the trees are conifers. Oak and Beech have a share of about 6 percent each . Since this artificial development and the climate change make Saxony’s forest ecosystems instable and vulnerable, Sachsenforst operates a long-term forest conversion program which includes the introduction of site adapted tree species such as oaks, beech and white fir.

  • Total forest area managed by member: 205 000 ha
  • Total number of: employees: 1 400 people
  • Annual harvest in: 1 415 300 m3

Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Bonnewitzer Str. 34


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