Slovenski državni gozdovi d.o.o. (SiDG)
Slovenski državni gozdovi d.o.o. (SiDG) has been established by a state forest management law approved by the government on 14 October 2015 and subsequently adopted by the Slovenian Parliament on 2 February 2016. In the context of the management of state forests, SiDG is responsible for:
- timber harvesting,
- timber sales,
- transporting wood assortments,
- maintaining forest infrastructure (except forest roads)
- forest protection and silvicultural work,
- any other work which is necessary for the provision of social and ecological functions,
- other activities that are directly or indirectly related to state forest lands.
Main objectives of managing state forests for SiDG are:
- achieving the highest possible yield and quality of wood assortments by ensuring principles of sustainable, multifunctional and sustainable management,
- promoting wood and wood products and the creation of green jobs,
- increasing (long term) the area of state forests,
- contributing to achieve the objectives of rural development,
- contributing to achieve the objectives of nature conservation, especially NATURA 2000;
- supporting education and scientific research.
- Total forest area managed by member: 235 118 ha
- Total number of: employees: 214 people
- Annual harvest in: 1 200 000 m3
Slovenski državni gozdovi d.o.o. (SiDG)
39 Rožna ulica
Kočevje 1330