All information about EUSTAFOR’s 10-years Anniversary events
Conference “Managing European Forests Responsibly – for People, Climate and Nature”
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
14.30 – 17.30
Room P7C050
European Parliament (Brussels)
(Interpretation in EN, FR, DE, PL)
Hosted by:
MEP Czesław Adam Siekierski
Chair of the EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
MEP Giovanni La Via
Chair of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health, Food Safety
MEP Jerzy Buzek
Chair of the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
MEP Paul Brannen
Member of the EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Prof. Gert-Jan Nabuurs (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
“A new role for forests and the forest sector in the EU post 2020 climate targets” (Keynote presentation)
Prof. Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki (Deputy Director General, Poland State Forests)
“Climate change – management change?”
Mr. Humberto Delgado Rosa (Director Natural Capital, European Commission, DG Environment)
“Are sustainable use and biodiversity mutually exclusive?”
MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (FI/ITRE)
“Bioeconomy grows in European forests”
Policy experts and stakeholders’ views
Panel discussion followed by a questions-and-answers session with the audience
– moderated by Ms. Linda Andersson (Sveaskog, Sweden)
Mr. Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Deputy Director General, Poland State Forests
Mr. Humberto Delgado Rosa (Director, DG ENV B, European Commission)
Ms. Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, MEP (FI/ITRE)
Mr. Paul Brannen, MEP (UK/S&D)
Mr. Harald Mauser, Liaison Officer, EFI
Mr. Luc Bas, Director of the IUCN European Union Representative Office
Ms. Fanny-Pomme Langue, Policy Director, AEBIOM
Mr. Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of COPA-COGECA
Click here to consult the comprehensive conference documentation.
Forest Exhibition
On display 5 – 7 April 2016
Opening 5 April, 18.00
European Parliament (Brussels)
Hosted by:
MEP Nils Torvalds
Vice-Chair of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”, Member of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health, Food Safety
The exhibition will present different aspects of sustainable and multifunctional forest management in European state forests.
Exhibits kindly provided by Poland State Forests, Latvijas valsts Meži (Latvia) and the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise (Germany).
Both the conference and the exhibition are organized with the support of the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) and the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”.
Click here to see all pictures and texts of the Bavarian exhibit.
More information about the Forest Exhibition…
Forest Reception
Tuesday, 5 April 2016, 19.00
European Forestry House
Rue du Luxembourg 66 (Brussels)
Hosted by:
The Forest Reception is organized with the support of Poland State Forests offering a variety of traditional venison of different game and forest related drinks.
Forest Excursion
6 April 2016
9.00 – 15.00
Sonian Forest
Hosted by:
Natuurinvest (Flanders, Belgium)
The forest excursion to the Sonian Forest on 6 April is organized by EUSTAFOR and its Flemish member, Natuurinvest, to show the manifold functions of the forests. It will end with a lunch of venison and other products from the forest. (Bus will leave at 14.00, returning to the Place du Luxembourg). Click here for the initial presentation.
More information about the Forest Excursion…
Click here to consult the programme of all four events
With these three events, EUSTAFOR is highlighting the potential of European forests to contribute to the goals set out by the EU’s 2020 strategy, the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework and the Paris Agreement. The events will coincide with celebrations of the 10th anniversary of cooperation among state forest organizations at European level.
Published 06/04/2016, Brussels
Mr. Piotr Borkowski
Executive Director
- +32 (0) 474 989 319