What are the practical consequences of LULUCF Regulation for the forest-based sector?
Joint workshop of forest-based stakeholders (EUSTAFOR, EOS, CEPI and CEPF) on the practical consequences of the Regulation for the inclusion of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) within the 2030 EU Climate and Energy framework
25 September 2018, Tuscany Region Office in Brussels, Rond-point Robert Schuman 14, Brussels, Belgium
The Regulation on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) into the 2030 climate and energy framework (LULUCF Regulation) was adopted by the Council on 14 May 2018, following the European Parliament vote on 17 April 2018. The Regulation ensures implementation of political agreement that the land use sector, along with other sectors, contributes to the EU’s 2030 emission reduction target. It is also in line with the Paris Agreement, which points to the critical role of the land use sector in reaching the long-term climate mitigation objectives.
To support the Member States in complying with the LULUCF Regulation, a technical guidance document has been prepared by IIASA for DG Climate Action in July 2018. The aim of this document is to provide guidance for the Member States on the establishment of Forest Reference Levels (FRLs) and National Forestry Accounting Plans (NFAPs) as required by the LULUCF Regulation.
Overall objective:
The aim of the workshop is to assess how the new LULUCF regulation will or can be implemented and what the potential impacts on forest management and on the EU forest‑based sector are.
The main focus will be on the planning of future harvesting levels and potential implications for the domestic wood supply in the EU and, specifically, on the down-stream value chains.
The workshop was dedicated to experts of the forest-based sector stakeholders, and it is open to experts, stakeholders, policymakers and researchers who have an interest in the topic.
Session 1: Setting the scene
• Moderator of the event: Aigar Kallas, Estonian State Forest (RMK)
• Fabio Boscaleri, Tuscany Region – Welcome addresses
• Katarina Dahlman on behalf of Nils Torvalds, Member of the EU Parliament – Objectives of the LULUCF Regulation
How managed forests and wood products contribute towards fulfilling the Paris Agreement ambitions
• Q&A
Session 2 (part 1): Towards the implementation of the LULUCF Regulation
• Simon Kay, European Commission (DG CLIMA) – The scope of the LULUCF Regulation
• Giacomo Grassi, European Commission (DG JRC) and Anu Korosuo, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) – How to account for greenhouse gas emissions and removals in forests? Guidance document for developing and reporting the new Forest Reference Levels
• Q&A
Session 2 (part 2): Towards the implementation of the LULUCF Regulation
• Q&A
Session 3: Potential impacts of the LULUCF Regulation on the sector
• Q&A
Discussion on the implementation of the LULUCF Regulation
Session 1 – part 1:
Session 1 – part 2:
Session 2:
Photo gallery:
Published 12/10/2018, Brussels
Mr. Piotr Borkowski
Executive Director
- piotr.borkowski@eustafor.eu
- +32 (0) 474 989 319