Towards a more sustainable future – Metsähallitus has launched an extensive corporate responsibility programme
Metsähallitus has launched an extensive corporate responsibility programme. The corporate responsibility roadmap will be finalised during the spring. Metsähallitus has now joined the FIBS corporate responsibility network, which will open up new opportunities for partnerships in the development of corporate responsibility. By signing the Diversity Charter Finland, Metsähallitus is determined to make a contribution to a fairer and more responsible working life.
– Corporate responsibility and equal consideration of the interests of our stakeholders lie at the core of our activities. Finland’s natural resources managed by Metsähallitus are an important source of livelihood in regions and they help to ensure biodiversity and the preservation of our cultural heritage. At the same time, the also provide ordinary citizens with recreational opportunities and safeguard the prerequisites for the Sami culture in Finland’s Sami regions, says Pentti Hyttinen, Director General of Metsähallitus.
The corporate responsibility programme will be prepared in collaboration with KPMG. During the early part of 2018, Metsähallitus will produce an overview of the most important corporate responsibility issues and development priorities in its work. The strategic guidelines for concrete corporate responsibility work will be laid out in the corporate responsibility roadmap, which will be finalised later in the spring.
– We want to contribute to the solution of global environmental challenges. Smart use of renewable natural resources plays a key role in this process. We have the expertise and the will to develop bioeconomy-based solutions, including solutions based on the blue bioeconomy, in cooperation with our partners, explains Terhi Koipijärvi, Metsähallitus Director of Communications.
Metsähallitus has now joined the FIBS corporate responsibility network and it has also signed the Diversity Charter Finland. – FIBS membership is important to us because on this forum we can establish partnerships and share information about the latest developments in the field of corporate responsibility. We are a responsible manager of natural resources and play an important role in Finnish society. For this reason we can also make a substantial contribution as a member of the network, adds Koipijärvi.
Social responsibility and our role as an employer in a broad range of different sectors lie at the core of our activities. Membership in the FIBS Diversity Charter Finland supports Metsähallitus in its task as a guardian of Finland’s natural heritage and natural resources and in this work, human values are also of central importance.
Additional information:
Terhi Koipijärvi, Director of Communications, Metsähallitus, tel. +358 50 5989 958
Pentti Hyttinen, Director General, Metsähallitus, tel. +358 40 546 5227
Published 16/01/2018