Forest dieback in Europe and measures to combat it

Over the last season, we have been informed by several EUSTAFOR members that they have experienced severe cases of forest dieback. The massive forest dieback affecting forests in several European countries has received broad attention and recognition. The European Parliament held a debate on the state of EU forests at its Plenary Session held in Strasbourg on 16 September 2019.

Spruce dieback in the Bialowieża Forest, Poland, August 2019

We sent you a short questionnaire that should help us to better understand the current situation and any measures taken by you in the context of this problem. We are aiming for better overview on the problem and wish to facilitate the exchange of experiences among EUSTAFOR members. A comprehensive summary of the key information we received from our members is attached.

Thank you for your contribution!

Published 18/12/2019, Brussels

Ms. Amila Meškin

Senior Policy Advisor (Deforestation, Biodiversity, Soils, Environment, Climate)

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