EUSTAFOR speaks in Warsaw on EU Forestry and Biodiversity policy objectives 2030
Aigar Kallas, Vice-President of EUSTAFOR and CEO of RMK Estonia, spoke at the International Conference “The future of forest management in Poland in the context of EU biodiversity and forestry strategies for 2030″ organized jointly by the Polish Minister for Environment and Climate, state forests and the trade union “Solidarność” on 8 October 2021, in Warsaw, Poland.
The conference was organized to discuss the policy objectives of recently published EU strategies for biodiversity and for forests and their possible consequences for forestry in Poland.
Both documents have triggered a discussion both in Europe and in Poland as to whether the proposed objectives and targets, as well as avenues to reach them, are appropriate. Will they bring the European Union and its citizens to a climate-fit future? Will they help to resolve environmental and climate issues? What should the contribution of forests be and how should an appropriate balance be maintained among the often conflicting challenges and demands made on forests?
The conference, held under the auspices of the president of Poland, was attended by high-level representatives of the Polish Ministry of Environment and Climate, Polish State Forests, representatives of science and research, as well as the European and Polish forest-based industries.
Mr. Kallas shared with the audience the experience of RMK in managing state forests and protected areas in Estonia. He also presented EUSTAFOR’s policy messages and recommendations for both the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU Forest Strategy 2030. His presentation is available under this link. Piotr Borkowski, Executive Director of EUSTAFOR, also participated in the conference and was invited, along with representatives of forest science, to join the drafting committee for the conference conclusions. The conference materials, including the livestream recording, is available under this link.
Published 11/10/2021, Brussels
Mr. Piotr Borkowski
Executive Director
- +32 (0) 474 989 319