EU forest-based Industries for a sustainable future
Two high-level seminars on “EU forest-based Industries for a sustainable future” were co-organised by the Wood Be Better network and the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) on 30 September. Both seminars took place at the same venue, the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels, but they were also live-streamed, thereby facilitating participation from all over Europe.
The first seminar, coordinated by the Wood Be Better network, discussed the vision and overall objectives of the EU Forest Strategy post-2020 and what role the Forest Strategy should play in the EU policy development going forward.
The second seminar, coordinated by CEPI, focused on the EU Forest-Based Industries’ contribution to the 2050 climate neutrality objective. Piotr Borkowski, Executive Director of EUSTAFOR, was invited to join the panel discussion in the second seminar. In his speech on the role of EU state forests, Mr Borkowski referred to EUSTAFOR’s recently published statement regarding the publication of the new EU Climate Target Plan for 2030.
The conference recording and other information about the two seminars are available HERE.
Published 06/10/2020
Diem Tran
Communications Officer
- +32 (0) 2 239 23 00