10th International Wood Energy Conference on Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources

24th February 2020, Zagreb (Croatia) will host 10th International Wood Energy Conference on Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources. One of the key speakers is KRUNOSLAV JAKUPČIĆ – Chairman of the Board from Hrvatske šume d.o.o.

Key topics include
  • Influence of the new REDII directive and the market position of biomass and wood fuels
  • Pyrolysis and wood degradation in the context of new technologies
  • Lack of cogeneration quotas
  • Introducing excises to RES
  • Trends in pellet and biomass exports
  • Legal regulation and EU harmonization
  • The need to reduce the VAT rate on pellets
  • Use of biomass and pellet in state power plants
  • Biomass and EU programs / Smart S3 specialization strategy
  • Wood raw material and agricultural residues
Key-note Speakers
  • HANNES TUOHINIITTY – Bioenergy Europe, president
  • KRUNOSLAV JAKUPČIĆ – Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Chairman of the Board
  • DAVOR ZEC – CROBIOM, president
Who Participates?
  • Biomass producers
  • Wood processing and forestry companies
  • Technology suppliers
  • Domestic and EU institutions
  • Representatives of counties, cities and municipalities
  • Universities, institutes and R & D
  • Chambers, professional associations and NGOs
  • Investors and media
More information and registration

24/02/2020 - 24/02/2020

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