Forests in Women’s Hands Conference 2022 | Roots and Growth for the Future

Forest in Women’s Hands (Fem4Forest) and Forstfrauen are holding the “Conference 2022 Forests in Women’s Hands | Roots and Growth for the Future” on 26-28 May 2022 at the WALDCAMPUS Austria.

The aim of the event is to carry on what started with the International Forest Women’s Conference held in 2021, which set milestones for women in forestry and analyzed with Fem4Forest the situation of women in forestry in ten European countries with a view to discovering what women need to do in order to be successful in forestry.

Following the examinations of these dynamic issues during the previous Conference, the project results from Fem4Forest and new input can now be presented, thinking outside of the box and making new plans.

The registration form and the program of the event have been made available.

Further information about the upcoming event is available on the website at the link below.

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26/05/2022 - 28/05/2022

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