FOREST EUROPE – Think Tank Meeting
11 December 2024 13:00-15:00 CET
1. Welcoming words and adoption of agenda
The meeting will be opened by Thomas Haußmann, Head of the Liaison Unit Bonn. The preliminary agenda will be introduced and adopted.
2. Short introduction
Bernhard Wolfslehner (EFI) will guide into the last Think Tank meeting under the German Forest Europe chairmanship.
3. A short story on European Forests
Kit Prins will present the major findings of the recent publication “Are European forests fit for the future? A short story about European Forests” that has been published for the 9MC
4. Work on Pan-European C&I – progress made and potential ways forward
Bernhard Wolfslehner will present a summary on the C&I work during the German presidency and an outlook on the State of Europe’s Forests Report
5. Green jobs indicator
Emilin Joma da Silva (Thünen Institute) will report on the work on Indicator 6.5 as outcome of workstream 3.
6. Update on forest-related EU policies from the European Commission
6.1 Stefanie Schmidt (DG ENV) will provide an overview and prospects on the status of forest-related policies in the EU framework
6.2 Markus Lier (DG AGRI) will present on SFM in the EU Common Agricultural Policy
7. Outlook on the upcoming presidency
Ebba Henning Planck (upcoming Liaison Unit Stockholm) will introduce herself and the first ideas and plans for the Swedish chairmanship 2025-2026
8. Closure of the Meeting