EUSTAFOR is a strategic partner of Forest City Project 2017 which kicked off at the Value of Wood Forum on 21 March 2017 where EUSTAFOR’s President gave a keynote address
#ForestCityProject 2017 is a public information campaign and exhibition launched on the International Day of Forests (21 March 2017) and to be displayed in the European Quarter through 5 June 2017 (World Environment Day). EUSTAFOR is a strategic partner of this project, organized together with Revolve Media, the European Organization of the Sawmill Industry (EOS), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP).
The initiative provides an excellent opportunity to show how forests and their products contribute not only to our daily lives, but how they are also helping society to face global challenges such as climate change and the need for more sustainable production and consumption patterns.

Read REVOLVE Magazine Spring 2017 Issues – EUSTAFOR views included
The Value of Wood Forum on the International Day of Forests – 21 March 2017
Materials from the event The Value of Wood Forum in the context of the Forest City Project that was held in Brussels on the International Day of Forests (21 March 2017) are available below.
15:00 Opening speech Mr. Simon Kay, Senior Expert, Land Use and Finance for innovation, DG CLIMA, contextualizing LULUCF legislation within forest-based solutions for the bio-economy and jobs.
15:30 Panel 1: Towards Sustainable Architecture & Construction How can timber, wood-based products and other bio-based materials add value to the durability of buildings and the resilience of cities while bringing down CO2 emissions? How to make our urban fabric more sustainable? Presented and moderated by S&D MEP Paul Brannen
Andrew Waugh, co-founder of WaughThistleton Architects firm: timber in architecture
Sampsa Auvinen, EOS President and CEO of Norvik Timber Industries: on building with wood
Justin Daerden, President of the EFBWW Standing Committee Wood/Furniture/Forestry
16:30 Keynote speech by Per-Olof Wedin, President of EUSTAFOR, on how forests are boosting the bioeconomy
16:45 Panel 2: Forests boost Innovation and the Bio-economy The bio-economy is central to combating climate change and safeguarding ecosystems. What services, technologies and industries in the forest-based sector are boosting the bio-economy? How is the bio-economy advancing the triple bottom-line of sustainability for society, environment, business? Presented and moderated by EPP MEP Henna Virkunnen
Thorsten Arndt, Head of Communications, PEFC International
Patrick Worms, Senior Science Policy Advisor, World Agroforestry Centre
Johan Elvnert, Managing Director, Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP)
Fanny-Pomme Langue, Public Affairs Director, European Biomass Association (AEBIOM)
Alberto Arroyo, Senior Policy Manager, European Affairs Office, IUCN
18:00 Cocktail Reception
Published 04/04/2017