New Snippet video on Forest Monitoring Released
EUSTAFOR, with the help of the Communications network has prepared a snippet that reflects this position. You can see the new video here or on our Youtube page available on all our languages.
The EU Forest Monitoring Law was announced in the EU Forest Strategy for 2030, the aim of this initiative is to develop an EU-wide forest observation framework and to provide open access to detailed, accurate, regular and timely information about the condition and management of the EU’s forests, and on the many products and ecosystem services that forests provide.
The expectations are to increase public trust in forest management, reduce illegal logging, incentivize and reward more sustainable forest management, and therefore support the resilience of forest management to climate change.
National Forest Inventories (NFIs) in Member States have long-standing experience in monitoring national forests and have accumulated the expertise to collect relevant data efficiently, interpreting it within local contexts. The NFIs must be kept at the heart of any future governance on EU forest monitoring. This would allow for the necessary local interpretation of data and avoid the costly duplication of existing systems. Instead of requiring raw data from individual forest units, Member States should report regularly at the EU level on observed trends in their forests.
More information available under this link
Published 16/12/2024, Brussels
Mr. Josep Milà
Policy and Communications Officer (Forest Strategy, Rural Development, Water, Resilience)
- +32 (0) 492 37 71 77