Mr. Piotr Borkowski
Published 27/01/2016
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Published 27/01/2016
13/01/2025 | Manifesto for the post 2024 period available in 8 languages |
16/01/2025 | EU Deforestation Regulation: User Guide for the Information System and FAQs available in different languages |
11/01/2024 | EUSTAFOR welcomes its newest member Moldsilva |
15/01/2024 | Consultation on the proposal for updated eu forest governance structure still open |
08/02/2024 | EUSTAFOR continues to expand its member base |
21/02/2024 | EUSTAFOR’s involvement in SUPERB and EUFORE projects |
01/03/2024 | Nature Restoration Law adopted by Parliament |
07/03/2024 | EU’s Deforestation Information System is in need of significant improvement! |
11/03/2024 | Council and Parliament provisional agreement on EU carbon removals certification framework made available |
21/03/2024 | Future of forestry might be closer than you think |
27/03/2024 | EUSTAFOR position paper: Policy makers urged to respect subsidiarity principle and build on existing forest monitoring systems |
10/04/2024 | How forestry forms the basis for the New European Bauhaus |
18/04/2024 | EUSTAFOR welcomes new associate |
22/04/2024 | FAO coordinates support programme for the support of Ukraine’s forestry sector |
25/04/2024 | Parliament adopts its position on Forest Reproductive Material |
14/05/2024 | EUSTAFOR participates in Euractiv panel on Forest Monitoring Framework |
28/05/2024 | EUSTAFOR Manifesto – European State Forests 2024+: Managing Forests Responsibly for People and Planet |
25/06/2024 | New EUSTAFOR Manifesto for 2024 and beyond: Managing Forests for People and Planet |
28/06/2024 | Forest Fires in Europe: A Growing Challenge |
09/07/2024 | EUSTAFOR is hiring a new Policy & Communications Officer! |
12/07/2024 | Office space in the European Forestry House for rent |
25/07/2024 | The Commission’s Strategic Guidelines 2024-2029 |
06/09/2024 | EUSTAFOR study on State Forestry Organizations in South-East Europe |
05/11/2024 | EUSTAFOR presents its vision during Forest Navigator workshop |
08/11/2024 | EU invests over €380 million in 133 new LIFE projects |
21/11/2024 | EUSTAFOR welcomes a new team member |
02/12/2024 | In Memoriam |
16/12/2024 | New Snippet video on Forest Monitoring Released |
16/12/2024 | PEFC Webinar: On the path to EUDR alignment |
03/02/2023 | Job opening – Communications and Policy Officer to join the EUSTAFOR team |
08/02/2023 | EUSTAFOR observations on the newly agreed EU deforestation law |
08/02/2023 | EUSTAFOR observations on the newly agreed EU Deforestation Law |
27/02/2023 | EU carbon removals certification should incentivize long-term climate benefits over short-term carbon offsets |
27/02/2023 | EU carbon removals certification should incentivize long-term climate benefits over short-term carbon offsets |
02/03/2023 | Rich discussions on the EU Forest Strategy |
09/03/2023 | General Assembly appoints Juha Niemelä from Metsähallitus, Finland, as new President of EUSTAFOR |
24/03/2023 | EUSTAFOR contributes to the Commission public consultation on the EU Carbon certification proposal |
26/04/2023 | Swedish Presidency of the Council is rightly putting Bioeconomy back at the top of EU agenda |
03/05/2023 | EUSTAFOR attends HoliSoils meeting in Barcelona |
09/05/2023 | SUPERB project visits Europe’s largest planted forests |
17/05/2023 | Natura 2000 Award 2024 |
22/05/2023 | Share your restoration practices to the EU project SUPERB |
20/06/2023 | EUSTAFOR welcomes new team member |
22/06/2023 | Changes in EUSTAFOR Communications team |
01/07/2023 | A guide to EU funding 2023 edition |
03/07/2023 | The Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU |
03/07/2023 | EUSTAFOR’s policy asks for the European Parliament’s Position on the EU Nature Restoration proposal |
05/07/2023 | The EU Nature Restoration Law: No Majority Reached in COM ENVI – next vote is in plenary |
05/07/2023 | European State Forest Conference 2023 in Scotland was a success! |
14/09/2023 | The recommendations of the Joint Bioeconomy seminar have been published |
06/10/2023 | EUSTAFOR’s Executive Director Visits Lesy Slovenskej Republiky |
06/10/2023 | Executive Director’s visit to Srbijasume Headquartes in Belgrade |
09/10/2023 | The continuous challenge of demining the Bosnian forests |
11/10/2023 | EUSTAFOR position paper: Too many uncertainties for forests in the EU carbon removals certification proposal |
18/10/2023 | EUSTAFOR co-hosts Round Table discussions on European Forest Monitoring |
05/12/2023 | Hercegbosanske Šume presents demining project at SUPERB Restoration Festival |
08/12/2023 | FAO underlines the positive side of planted forests |
14/12/2023 | Council and Com AGRI take next steps in Forest Reproductive Material file |
22/12/2023 | Ukrainian Foresters and Communities Collaborate in the Forest Recovery Program |
23/02/2022 | How “Close-to-Nature” Is the Management of the European Forests? |
07/03/2022 | JOINT POSITION: European Forest Owners and Managers’ considerations on the EC Proposal for a Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation |
07/03/2022 | European Forest Owners and Managers’ considerations on the EC Proposal for a Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation |
09/03/2022 | New EUSTAFOR Strategy 2022-2026 adopted by General Assembly |
10/03/2022 | How “Close-to-Nature” Is the Management of European Forests? |
17/03/2022 | #ResponsibleForestry campaign – Responsibly managing Europe’s most precious resource |
01/04/2022 | ÖBf Viewpoints on Active Forest Management |
29/05/2022 | Job Opening: Office Manager EUSTAFOR and the European Forestry House |
03/06/2022 | The SUPERB project has been launched in Romania |
23/06/2022 | EU Restoration Law must be an opportunity to support the health and resilience of EU forests without hindering their sustainable management |
30/06/2022 | The SINCERE project has come to an end – Final results and findings |
11/07/2022 | COM ENVI Report on Deforestation and Forest Degradation risks excluding most forest management measures, including those for climate adaptation |
29/08/2022 | #ResponsibleForestry is the solution to today’s challenges to forests: How do European foresters implement forest management on the ground? |
30/08/2022 | Joint Statement: Sustainable Forest Management: Keeping the potential of forest biodiversity unlocked |
05/09/2022 | Public consultation: Commission seeks views on possible EU Soil Health Law |
28/10/2022 | EUSTAFOR welcomes a new Office Manager |
28/10/2022 | Joint Statements by European Forest Owners and Managers for the EU Forest Directors’ Meeting on the 20th October 2022 |
07/11/2022 | Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) communication campaign in Castilla-La Mancha |
17/11/2022 | EUSTAFOR contributes to the public consultation on forest monitoring |
19/01/2021 | Raising awareness on the importance of forests in Catalonia |
29/01/2021 | Ensuring consistency among EU forest-related policies through clear objectives and feasible targets |
29/01/2021 | EUSTAFOR publishes its position paper on the new EU Forest Strategy post-2020 |
03/02/2021 | The EU Forest Strategy post-2020 must also be a strategy with and for forest owners and managers! |
03/02/2021 | EUSTAFOR and other stakeholders meet with the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski |
17/02/2021 | EUSTAFOR welcomes its new Communications Officer |
02/03/2021 | Norwegian campaign “Think Wood” – How forests and trees can contribute in the fight against climate changes |
19/03/2021 | Sustainably managed and multifunctional European forests provide solutions for recovery and well-being |
15/04/2021 | EUSTAFOR contributes to the 8th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference |
14/06/2021 | EUSTAFOR’s General Assembly appoints new Executive Committee and re-elects President and Vice-President |
24/06/2021 | Joint statement: Draft new EU Forest Strategy: time to consider the opinion of EU forest and forest-based sector |
24/06/2021 | Joint statement: Draft new EU Forest Strategy: time to consider the opinion of EU forest and forest-based sector |
30/06/2021 | For the European forest owners and managers, the European Commission should purely rewrite the draft EU Forest Strategy! |
14/07/2021 | Forestry England calls to contribute to a collective film “Treeline” |
30/08/2021 | Germany and Austria take action on the new EU Forest Strategy |
15/09/2021 | MEPs criticize the new EU Forest Strategy |
01/10/2021 | New report on non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy |
05/10/2021 | Joint Position Paper: The New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 – Position of European Forest Owners and Managers |
05/10/2021 | European forest owners and managers call for major clarifications on the new EU Forest Strategy |
06/10/2021 | Auditors investigates EU fundings for biodiversity and climate change in EU forests |
11/10/2021 | EUSTAFOR speaks in Warsaw on EU Forestry and Biodiversity policy objectives 2030 |
05/11/2021 | Leaders commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 |
15/11/2021 | Member States express significant concerns and request for clarifications of the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 |
16/11/2021 | Council Conclusions on new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 |
08/12/2021 | Joint Statement: The EESC calls for coherence, certainty and clarity from the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 |
15/12/2021 | Commission adopts new proposal to stop deforestation |
21/12/2021 | Call on topics for biodiversity in Horizon Europe Work Programme 2022 |
21/12/2021 | Best Wishes for a Warm Holiday Season and a Happy New Year 2022! |
21/01/2020 | Multifunctional forests hold the key to reaching the EU’s climate and biodiversity objectives |
24/01/2020 | Juha S. Niemelä appointed as Director General of Metsähallitus |
31/01/2020 | Wood Be Better – a new initiative launched in Brussels |
10/02/2020 | EUSTAFOR President speaks at the International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate |
20/02/2020 | EUSTAFOR welcomes new members from Denmark and Wales |
21/02/2020 | Forestry and Land Scotland – A new agency to manage Scottish state forests |
02/03/2020 | ROSEWOOD Final Conference and Forestry Innovation Workshop 2020 |
05/03/2020 | EU Commission proposes European Climate Law and consults on the European Climate Pact |
15/03/2020 | How to manage European forests in the 21st Century? |
21/03/2020 | Forests, biodiversity and sustainable forest management – an inseparable trio thriving together |
01/04/2020 | European Commission adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner and More Competitive Europe |
02/04/2020 | European Commission launched its 2020 call for project proposals under the LIFE programme |
02/04/2020 | European Commission launched consultations on EU sustainable finance, Climate Law and 2030 Climate Target Plan |
10/04/2020 | EUSTAFOR input to the Inception Impact Assessment of the 2030 Climate Target Plan |
17/04/2020 | State Forests in the Baltic Sea Region: Where experience meets challenges and future opportunities |
20/04/2020 | Forest ownership in the ECE region – The organisation of public forest ownership |
21/04/2020 | EUSTAFOR input to the inception impact assessment of the Commission Delegated Regulation on Sustainable Finance – EU classification system for green investments |
05/05/2020 | The European forestry sector must be part of the future EU COVID-19 recovery plan |
05/05/2020 | Joint letter: The European forestry sector must be part of the future EU COVID-19 recovery plan |
15/05/2020 | Joint statement: The EU forest sector’s role in ensuring sustainable forest management and conserving biodiversity |
15/05/2020 | Joint statement: The EU sector’s role in ensuring Sustainable Forest Management and conserving biodiversity |
17/05/2020 | The European Forest-based Industries Ecosystem calls to be eligible for support by the European Recovery Plan and Industrial Strategy |
19/05/2020 | EU Biodiversity Targets 2030 must be balanced, realistic and feasible – 5 policy recommendations from EU state forests |
19/05/2020 | EU Biodiversity Targets for 2030 must be balanced, realistic and feasible – 5 policy recommendations from EU state forests |
20/05/2020 | The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 must be balanced, realistic and feasible |
22/05/2020 | Forests, Biodiversity and Sustainable Forest Management – an inseparable trio thriving together |
24/06/2020 | National Forest Administration-ROMSILVA has appointed a new General Director |
01/07/2020 | EUSTAFOR’s input to the roadmap for the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change |
03/07/2020 | SINCERE – Mapping innovation across Europe |
10/07/2020 | Initial reactions by key stakeholders to the Farm-to-Fork & EU Biodiversity Strategies |
17/07/2020 | #ForestBiodiversity video series: The contribution of Sustainable Forest Management in preserving forest biodiversity |
07/09/2020 | [Virtual conference] European Forests: Hotspots of Biodiversity |
09/09/2020 | Hotspots of biodiversity: The role of sustainable forest management in Europe |
24/09/2020 | [Executive Summary] European forests: Tackling climate change |
24/09/2020 | [Full booklet] European forests: Tackling climate change |
25/09/2020 | 2030 EU Climate Target Plan must better recognize the role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation |
25/09/2020 | 2030 EU Climate Target Plan must better recognize the role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation |
28/09/2020 | Joint statement: The New EU Forest Strategy: 3 reasons to endorse the committee report |
28/09/2020 | Joint statement: The New EU Forest Strategy: 3 reasons to endorse the committee report |
29/09/2020 | EUSTAFOR’s input to the EC Roadmap on EU renewable energy rules – review |
06/10/2020 | EU forest-based Industries for a sustainable future |
08/10/2020 | European Parliament paves the way for the Commission to propose an ambitious and self-standing EU Forest Strategy |
12/10/2020 | #ForestBiodiversity – A new platform to show how sustainable forest management supports biodiversity preservation |
22/10/2020 | European Commission adopted its 2021 work programme |
29/10/2020 | LULUCF Forest Reference Levels for 2021-2025 set by the European Commission |
31/10/2020 | 2020 European Citizens Award goes to Bulgaria’s state forest managers |
16/11/2020 | We are hiring a Forestry and Forest-Based Sector Communications Officer |
17/11/2020 | A joint non-paper from Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland on the biomass and bioenergy aspects of the EU taxonomy |
25/11/2020 | Webinar: EU Forest Strategy post-2020 in the context of post-EU Green Deal future-fit Europe |
07/12/2020 | SINCERE Talks#2: Towards an EU policy framework for forest ecosystem services |
07/12/2020 | GenRes Bridge project develops a European Genetic Resources Strategy |
18/12/2020 | FOREST EUROPE published the State of Europe’s Forests 2020 Report |
19/12/2020 | More Work on the EU Taxonomy is Needed – Nine Recommendations for Further Steps from EUSTAFOR |
22/12/2020 | What’s new about forests and trees around Brussels? A new book of Geographical Arboretum Tervuren takes you for a journey through the trees of the world |
09/01/2019 | Secondary School Students are Invited to Take Part in the LVM Bio-economy School Scholarship Contest |
11/01/2019 | LVM GEO Mobile – Latest Geospatial Data All in One Place |
11/01/2019 | Call for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy |
15/01/2019 | EUSTAFOR starts work on the SINCERE Project |
21/01/2019 | Latvian Forest Days are Open for Applications |
05/02/2019 | Joint Press Release: Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach United Nations and Paris Agreement goals |
14/02/2019 | The 14th European Forest Pedagogics Congress to Take Place in Latvia |
19/02/2019 | The role of forest management in the upcoming taxonomy regulation for sustainable investments |
19/02/2019 | Joint Statement on the role of forest management in the upcoming taxonomy regulation for sustainable investments |
12/03/2019 | JOINT PRESS RELEASE: European Parliament Committees’ report taxonomy for Sustainable Investment – some improvements made to the draft report but still not satisfactory |
13/03/2019 | EUSTAFOR’s General Assembly Appoints New President and Executive Committee and Decides Its Strategy 2019-2021 |
14/03/2019 | EU Parliament’s debate: Climate Change and Forest Fires in Europe |
19/03/2019 | Forests and Education! – International Day of Forests 2019 |
21/03/2019 | Joint Statement: Climate change and forest fires in Europe – Downward circle must be avoided! |
16/04/2019 | OPEN POSITION: EUSTAFOR and FTP are together hiring a Communications & Administrative Officer |
09/05/2019 | Kupres Conference 2019: Staffing and demining are key challenges in the forestry value chain of the Balkans |
12/05/2019 | Debate About Future of EU Forests in Brussels |
28/05/2019 | Land mines threaten people and seriously impact sustainable forest management in Europe |
29/05/2019 | The Polish State Forests are 95 Years Old! |
07/08/2019 |
06/09/2019 | European forest sector’s views on the EU TEG report on sustainable finance (taxonomy) |
12/09/2019 | Forestry Commission – South East Tree Health Event 2019 |
16/09/2019 | EU Institutions urged to make R&I a priority within the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 |
16/09/2019 | Natura 2000 Award Call |
16/09/2019 | TEG Report on Taxonomy – draft technical screening criteria create legal uncertainty and ignore the long-term characteristics of forests |
17/09/2019 | The European Commission released a new publication about the LIFE programme |
20/09/2019 | Forestry England appoints a new chief executive officer and celebrates 100 years of forestry |
27/09/2019 | What values do forests create for their owners and society? |
11/10/2019 | Joint statement: Multifunctional European forests are crucial to reach the objectives of a European Green Deal |
11/10/2019 | Enhanced EU Forest Strategy is needed to enable multifunctional forests’ input to the objectives of a European Green Deal |
14/10/2019 | Warm welcome to Junta de Castilla y León as EUSTAFOR’s newest member and congratulates to Associazione Nazionale delle Attività Regionali Forestali on becoming a voting member |
23/10/2019 | EUSTAFOR welcomes its new Communications Officer |
23/10/2019 | Joint Press release: Investors won’t eyeball sustainable tech without a coherent framework. Can Brussels help? |
08/11/2019 | What values do forests create for their owners and society? |
16/11/2019 | Challenges and best practices of forest innovation in EU regions |
18/11/2019 | EU Forest-based Industries 2050: A vision for sustainable choices in a climate-friendly future |
18/11/2019 | European Forest-Based stakeholders team up to empower consumers for a carbon-neutral European society |
12/12/2019 | The European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 |
18/12/2019 | NATURA 2000 Management in European State Forests |
18/12/2019 | Forest dieback in Europe and measures to combat it |
20/12/2019 | EUSTAFOR information leaflet |
20/12/2019 | Let’s build a future-fit Europe together! – EUSTAFOR’s Messages to European Policymakers |
23/12/2019 | Let’s build a future-fit Europe together! – EUSTAFOR’s messages to European Policymakers |
15/01/2018 | “The awakening of the forest” just published by Veneto Agricoltura with an EUSTAFOR contribution on European forests |
16/01/2018 | Towards a more sustainable future – Metsähallitus has launched an extensive corporate responsibility programme |
16/01/2018 | Key ways to maximize potential of forest bioenergy to decarbonize Europe underlined |
17/01/2018 | European Parliament adopts balanced position on forest bioenergy in EU legislation on promotion of renewable energy |
01/03/2018 | Value Forestry Values |
02/03/2018 | EU policies should better recognize multiple forestry values |
06/03/2018 | Sustainable Forestry for Rural Livelihoods – EUSTAFOR’s seven recommendations to further enhance rural development policy post-2020 – for people, climate and the economy |
06/03/2018 | Why forests should stay at the core of EU Rural Development Policy |
09/03/2018 | How to deal with MegaFires in Europe |
21/03/2018 | International Day of Forests 2018: European forests can deliver even more benefits to society |
11/04/2018 | Joint Statement on a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe |
01/05/2018 | Confirmed: State Forest managers are frontrunners in Forest Innovation |
11/06/2018 | Natural resources plan for Central and Northern Ostrobothnia promotes actions for the good of nature and man |
11/06/2018 | 2018 Forest Innovation Workshop: report and presentations now available! |
12/06/2018 | Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia celebrated 25th anniversary of operating |
13/06/2018 | Metsähallitus has published its annual report for 2017 |
14/06/2018 | Feasibility of implementation of the sustainability criteria for forest bioenergy questioned |
29/06/2018 | Enhancing Long-Term Competitiveness of the Forest Sector in a Green Economy |
12/07/2018 | Sustainable forestry should stay at the very core of the new CAP |
18/07/2018 | What a tree can do? |
18/07/2018 | What a tree can do? |
07/09/2018 | LULUCF: practical consequences for the forest-based sector |
17/09/2018 | A bottom-up approach to the use of forest biomass |
17/09/2018 | A bottom-up approach to the use of forest biomass |
19/09/2018 | Joint Statement on a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe |
24/09/2018 | A Total of 131 Bird Species were Recorded in the Bird Watching Race “Latvia’s State Forests Bird Rally 2018” |
11/10/2018 | EU Bioeconomy Strategy seeks for a systematic approach to address the bioeconomy value chain |
12/10/2018 | What are the practical consequences of LULUCF Regulation for the forest-based sector? |
15/10/2018 | Hvers eru tré megnug – veggspjald |
17/10/2018 | Joint statement prior to the publication of the mid-term review of the EU Forest Strategy |
17/10/2018 | Joint Statement prior to the publication of the mid-term review of the EU Forest Strategy |
13/11/2018 | CARRIERS invest IN DRIVER TRAINING |
30/11/2018 | FTP launches Vision 2040 to discuss the future of the sector |
03/12/2018 | Northern Ireland Forest Service (DAERA) welcomes European state forestry organisations |
03/12/2018 | Forests and the forest sector should play an active role in climate change mitigation and adaptation |
14/12/2018 | New UNECE/FAO Report explains the complexity of forest ownership and tenure in the UNECE region |
14/12/2018 | Who owns European Forests? |
15/12/2018 | The FAO-Plan Bleu Report “The state of Mediterranean forests 2018” has been released |
17/12/2018 | COP-24 in Katowice set an Implementation Agenda for the Paris Agreement |
21/12/2018 | Leaders in Innovation: Sveaskog launch ARBOREAL HEIGHT – a New App for measuring the height of a tree and other parameters |
06/01/2017 | Who’s the King of the Forest? |
13/01/2017 | Joint letter on the Draft Code of Conduct for Planted Forest and Invasive Alien Trees (Bern Convention) |
13/01/2017 | The Role of the Bioeconomy in the Circular Economy |
16/01/2017 | State Forests of Saxony joins EUSTAFOR! |
17/01/2017 | Don’t miss Kupres 2017 Conference |
25/01/2017 | 25 years of Czech forest state enterprise – VIDEO |
25/01/2017 | Forest Management is solution to Climate Change |
27/01/2017 | Profitable and sustainable European forest management |
20/02/2017 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on the LULUCF and ESR Proposals |
20/02/2017 | Does the EU 2030 Climate Policy Reflect the Benefits of Forest Management? |
01/03/2017 | Forestry and the need for sectorial education on the European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina – KUPRES |
22/03/2017 | State Foresters Gathered in Brussels for the International Day of Forests Dedicated to Forest and Energy |
23/03/2017 | Österreichische Bundesforste puts its first wind farm into service |
04/04/2017 | EUSTAFOR is a strategic partner of Forest City Project 2017 which kicked off at the Value of Wood Forum on 21 March 2017 where EUSTAFOR’s President gave a keynote address |
07/04/2017 | Juha Mäkinen appointed as Communication Director of EUSTAFOR |
11/04/2017 | Sustainably managed forests are a proven source of sustainable biomass for bioenergy |
13/04/2017 | PEFC Standard Revision – public consultation |
25/04/2017 | How to afforest for the future? |
02/05/2017 | Joint Position Paper on the Renewable Energy Directive (recast) |
02/05/2017 | Metsähallitus publishes its Annual Report and Corporate Social Responsibility Report |
05/05/2017 | ONF Seminar “Forest Fires, a growing risk due to Climate Change” – Follow-up |
08/05/2017 | Evaluation of the instruments applicable to State aid in agriculture and forestry – a roadmap open for consultation |
08/05/2017 | EUSTAFOR views presented at opening of National Conference “Forests and Landscape” organized by EUSTAFOR’s members ANARF and FORESTAS |
09/05/2017 | EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy |
18/05/2017 | Metsähallitus’ cultural heritage survey receives a Special Mention from Europa Nostra |
01/06/2017 | New management in Slovenian State forests |
06/06/2017 | Forest Managers Play a Key Role in Natura 2000 Directives Implementation |
09/06/2017 | EU Bioeconomy Strategy to be reviewed |
12/06/2017 | Europe´s forest owners and managers deeply concerned about draft European Parliament forest biomass report |
03/07/2017 | Active forest management is needed to prevent devastating forest fires |
11/07/2017 | LULUCF: Forestry, paper and agricultural sectors team up in favor of a dynamic forest reference level |
16/07/2017 | Watch Ospray Nesting Online |
18/07/2017 | The forest sector has a vast potential to provide climate benefits – Press Breakfast at the European Forestry House |
19/07/2017 | The European Forestry House Celebrates 10 Years of Existence |
20/07/2017 | Welcome to the Forest Service of Catalonia! |
28/07/2017 | EUSTAFOR Appointed as Member of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (DG GROW) |
28/07/2017 | Managing state forests responsibly – how do they do it in Latvia? |
13/09/2017 | European Parliament votes in favour of a LULUCF regulation better fit for purpose |
22/09/2017 | Wood U Believe in Growth – Finnish forest sector events in Brussels |
22/09/2017 | New study on economic impacts of potential EU forest carbon sink policies on the forest-based sectors |
25/09/2017 | Follow-up: EUSTAFOR’s WG Bioeconomy – 11/12 September 2017 #forestBioeconomy |
01/10/2017 | Wood U Believe in Growth – Finnish forest sector events in Brussels |
02/10/2017 | A broad range of stakeholders involved in Metsähallitus’ natural resource planning |
03/10/2017 | Implementing Natura 2000 in forests: lessons learned and looking ahead |
09/10/2017 | European forest owners and managers welcome the 4th European Forest Week and underline the key role of sustainable forest management for providing solutions to societal challenges |
16/10/2017 | State forests’ perspectives on wood mobilization presented at the final conference of SIMWOOD project |
24/10/2017 | More work is still needed on forestry issues in Renewable Energy Directive (recast) after European Parliament’s Environment Committee vote |
01/11/2017 | EUSTAFOR contributes to the AEBIOM Statistical Report 2017 |
06/11/2017 | Forestry contributes to Sustainable Development Goals. Highlights from global meeting Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World |
13/11/2017 | Sustainable Forest Management in the face of climate change discussed at COP23-related event |
15/11/2017 | Anna from Sweden at internship in EUSTAFOR |
17/11/2017 | Sustainable forestry enables the bioeconomy. EUSTAFOR looks ahead to a renewed Bioeconomy Strategy |
17/11/2017 | Global challenges need a strong forest bioeconomy: Looking ahead to a renewed Bioeconomy Strategy – EUSTAFOR contributes 8 policy messages |
20/11/2017 | EUSTAFOR supports the European Bioenergy Day on 21 November |
22/11/2017 | Sustainable forestry enables the bioeconomy Eight policy messages – European State Forests look ahead to a renewed Bioeconomy Strategy |
05/12/2017 | Swedish forestry and bioeconomy seminar |
05/12/2017 | Seeking momentum on the European Union’s Forest Strategy |
14/12/2017 | Growing the Irish Forest Bioeconomy |
15/12/2017 | Coillte is hiring a Silviculture Specialist and a Seed & Vegetative Propagation Manager |
19/12/2017 | 2017 – A year of anniversary celebrations |
14/01/2016 | Metsähallitus (Finland): Giant truck saves money and nature during timber transport |
02/02/2016 | Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate on Forestry related Innovation |
05/02/2016 | Metsähallitus (Finland): 10,000 protected cultural heritage sites spanning 10,000 years – major Metsähallitus project concluded at the end of 2015 |
03/03/2016 | EUSTAFOR In The Scope Of Discussions On The Future Of Forestry And Wood Processing In Bosnia & Herzegovina |
18/03/2016 | Forests can help meeting the EU climate policy targets through bio-economy |
21/03/2016 | EUSTAFOR’s Latvian Member “Latvijas valsts mezi” Sends Greetings on the International Day! |
21/03/2016 | European Forest Owners, Managers, Industry and Professionals Welcome the International Day of Forests “Forests and Water” |
21/03/2016 | On 21 March the forest will be a step closer to you! |
22/03/2016 | Sustainable management of state forests highly promoted this spring |
02/04/2016 | Is it possible to take a seat on CO2? |
03/04/2016 | EUSTAFOR-publication: Managing European Forests Responsibly – for People, Climate and Nature |
03/04/2016 | Yearbook 2007 |
03/04/2016 | Yearbook 2008 |
03/04/2016 | European Forestry in the Face of Climate Change – EUSTAFOR Guidelines |
03/04/2016 | EUSTAFOR Biomass and Bioenergy report |
03/04/2016 | Ecosystem Services in European State Forests |
03/04/2016 | Ecosystem Services in European State Forests – Case study |
03/04/2016 | EUSTAFOR Brochure “Managing State Forests in Europe” |
03/04/2016 | EUSTAFOR Brochure “European State Forests Boost the Bioeconomy” |
06/04/2016 | All information about EUSTAFOR’s 10-years Anniversary events |
06/04/2016 | “Wood is all around you!” and the European Parliament… |
08/04/2016 | Managing European Forests Responsibly – for People, Climate and Nature |
13/04/2016 | Lasy Państwowe (Poland): Spruce bark beetle in the Białowieża Primeval Forest |
26/04/2016 | European State Forests Boost the Bioeconomy |
29/04/2016 | Metsähallitus publishes its Annual Report and Corporate Social Responsibility Report |
17/05/2016 | FOREST EUROPE discussed its new Work Programme in Bratislava |
29/06/2016 | EUSTAFOR Signed Joint Letter to Commissioner Vella |
29/06/2016 | EUSTAFOR Bench Takes up Residence at the Flemish Ministry |
05/07/2016 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on the Role of Forests in EU Climate Change Post-2020 Policy |
06/07/2016 | European State Forest Conference 2016: “Forest Management for People, Nature and Economy” |
08/07/2016 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives and Their Implementation in State Forests |
08/07/2016 | EUSTAFOR Publishes Position Paper on the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives and Their Implementation in State Forests |
15/07/2016 | Joint Press Release: World Forest Week 2016 |
21/07/2016 | Lasy Państwowe available in English now |
29/07/2016 | CASCADES Study (Study on the optimised cascading use of wood ) published |
07/09/2016 | EUSTAFOR’s Policy and Communications Advisor Appointed! |
08/09/2016 | Executive Director visited Coillte in Wicklow |
08/09/2016 | Well-known Estonian Painters Cleaning Up the World |
09/09/2016 | A Better Life in Rural Areas |
10/10/2016 | Sustainable Forest Management can ensure both biodiversity conservation and biomass production |
11/10/2016 | International Forestry Students Symposium (IFSS) visiting Austrian Federal Forests |
12/10/2016 | Key elements to be included in the review of the FOREST EUROPE process to ensure Sustainable Forest Management |
12/10/2016 | Joint Statement Working Group on the future direction of FOREST EUROPE |
26/10/2016 | Forest Europe discusses its future direction |
27/10/2016 | SiDG, the new Slovenian state-owned company joins EUSTAFOR! |
31/10/2016 | More Slovenian Forestry in EUSTAFOR |
16/11/2016 | New value chains from multifunctional forests now on the EU agenda |
21/11/2016 | Metsähallitus’ cultural heritage survey project nominated for the Europa Nostra Award |
24/11/2016 | EU Forest Strategy supports Sustainable Forest Management |
30/11/2016 | European Commission proposes to assess sustainability of forest biomass through risk-based approach |
01/12/2016 | Evidence of sustainability of forest biomass presented today by State Forest Managers |
10/12/2016 | EU Nature Directives declared “Fit for Purpose” – Strengthen implementation but no revision of Natura 2000 legislation foreseen |
15/12/2016 | Forest Stakeholders discuss LULUCF proposal and the Clean Energy package |
20/12/2016 | Hungary Adopts New National Forest Strategy 2016-2030 |
06/03/2015 | EUSTAFOR’s New President and Executive Committee Appointed |
20/03/2015 | European Forest Owners, Managers and Professionals Welcome the International Day of Forests “Forests | Climate | Change” |
26/03/2015 | Metsähallitus reports a slightly weaker performance |
04/05/2015 | European state forest managers meet in Lapland |
08/05/2015 | PEFC Cerfication is the Key Promoter of Biodiversity in Commercial Forests |
29/05/2015 | Twenty Years of Biodiversity Cooperation between Finland and Hunan Province, China |
17/07/2015 | Bioenergy Has an Important Role to Play in EU Post 2020 Climate and Energy Policy |
24/07/2015 | Christian Dubreuil – new Chief Executive Officer of l’Office national des forêts |
31/07/2015 | EUSTAFOR Becomes an Ambassador of the “Biomass Counts” Campaign |
02/10/2015 | Bavarian State Forest published a new video |
20/10/2015 | EUSTAFOR Statement at Roundtable 4 |
20/10/2015 | Joint Statement 7th Ministerial Conference |
20/10/2015 | Joint Statement Extraordinary Ministerial Conference |
21/10/2015 | EUSTAFOR Contributes to the 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference 2015 |
27/11/2015 | Europe’s forests in the sustainability spotlight |
03/12/2015 | Metsähallitus (Finland): Nature Volunteer of the Year Award 2015 to Virtavesien hoitoyhdistys – Christmas greetings money to the restoration of stream waters |
07/12/2015 | The State Forests of Poland have participated in world exhibition on inventions, research and new technologies – Brussels Innova |
24/09/2014 | Forestry Debates Kick Off in the New European Parliament |
21/10/2014 | Joint Statement on the Draft European Standard for Bio-Based Products – Sustainability Criteria |
18/03/2013 | EUSTAFOR, CEPF, CEI-Bois and CEPI Joint Statement on New EU Forest Strategy |
13/05/2013 | EUSTAFOR and CEPF Joint Position: Review of the Legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Plant Propagating Material |
13/05/2013 | Review of the Legislation on the Marketing of Seed and Plant Propagating Material |
14/06/2013 | European forest sector calls for rapid and positive conclusion of INC |
16/07/2013 | Joint Letter to Mr. José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, on the EU Forest Strategy |
18/07/2013 | European Commission urged to release the EU Forest Strategy |
20/09/2013 | The new Forest Strategy finally adopted by the Collège |
07/11/2013 | European private and state forest owners and managers call for a definite and positive conclusion of INC negotiations on a LBA on Forests in Europe |
25/11/2013 | Joint Statement on Cascade Use of Wood |
11/12/2013 | EUSTAFOR Statement on the New EU Forest Strategy |
11/12/2013 | Forest-Based Sector Launches Children’s Book During European Forest Week |
27/02/2012 | Forest Owner’s joint contribution to the First Session of the International Negotiating Committee on a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe |
30/03/2012 | Forest Sector’s Joint Position to the New EU Forest Strategy |
21/05/2012 | New Executive Director Appointed for EUSTAFOR |
29/08/2012 | Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) |
03/09/2012 | EUSTAFOR Statement for the 2nd Session of Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on a Legally BIding Agreement on Forests in Europe |
12/10/2012 | European forest and forest-based sector commits to strengthen cooperation |
19/11/2012 | EUSTAFOR and CEPF Joint Position: Forest owners question binding EU sustainability criteria for solid biomass |
13/12/2012 | EUSTAFOR, CEPF, CEI-Bois and CEPI Joint Statement on New EU Forest Strategy |
21/01/2011 | European forest owners and industries see benefits in the Forest Europe initiative on a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe. |
15/02/2011 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on the Financing of NATURA 2000 |
22/02/2011 | Forestry Sector’s Joint Position Paper on the Forest Component in the Post 2013 CAP |
24/02/2011 | EUSTAFOR has a new President! |
22/03/2011 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on sustainability measures at EU level for solid biomass from forestry |
21/11/2011 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper: No Mandatory Criteria on Solid Biomass at this Stage |
08/01/2010 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on the EU 2020 Strategy |
20/05/2010 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on Green Paper on Forest Protection |
30/09/2010 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on Rural Development |
12/10/2010 | EUSTAFOR Position Paper on Biodiversity |
09/03/2009 | Forest Owner’s Joint Letter to ENV Council on the draft regulation on deforestation and forest degradation |
13/03/2009 | Forest Owner’s Joint Letter to EP ENV Committee on the draft regulation on deforestation and forest degradation |